Thursday, November 14, 2024

Did a crack cause the origin of universe?

Time is there because space is there. If there is no space, there can be no time. Because, in the absence of space, there can be no change; and time is just a measure of change. Therefore, no space, no time.

Furthermore, Space is there because matter is there. If there is no matter, there will be no space.

And, in this chain, matter is there because energy is there. Matter is nothing but “precipitated” form of energy which can be converted back and recovered (E=mc2).

So, time, space and matter all exist because energy is there. They are all derived from energy.

Now that is v interesting. Considering that, if energy were not there, there will be no matter, space and time. That, in effect means, that if energy is not there, universe will not be there. How astonishing. “Universe”, as we know it and understand it, is, therefore, nothing but form of energy.

But that also leads to some very disturbing and mind-blowing questions…

One, can universe disappear if there is no energy? If all energy were to somehow vanish, the universe will vanish too, in a snap, just like that…with no trace!

And second, where did energy come from. What is energy inherently? Heat, light, sound, motion are forms or effects of energy but not energy. Energy is behind all these. But we can't see, feel or know it! What really energy is? Seems like a mysterious formless, invisible driving force! It is, afterall, what is creating universe! (and universe is all we have!)

I checked and searched exhaustively and was (not so) shocked to find out that nobody in the world knows what exactly and inherently energy is? No physicist, or anyone else… Some have some ideas and hypothesis but are nowhere near being clear or sure. They know energy’s forms, can feel or see it behind things and happenings, but can’t see or feel or know it directly, in isolation.

Some say it is inbuilt in the fabric of spacetime or in the fields omnipresent in the universe, but they don’t know what it actually is, inside that fabric or spacetime. Total mystery.

I hope, by now, you have some sense of how big this question actually is… at stake is the universe! (And actually, much beyond, as you may sense soon, hopefully.)

What this mystery of "energy" is, and where did it come from (before “making” or “causing” the universe, are frightening questions. Because energy seems to be the boundary-line or key to mystery of the universe!

Let’s try to speculate.

If energy created all universe (and is probably still creating), how much energy are we talking about? And how much was it before it started “making” the universe?

And where was it stored at the start, at that “zero” time?

Obviously, that much of energy cannot be “stored” without there being something else holding it? How and where that energy was before it “made” matter, space or time!

If no universe was there at zero time, there are two possibilities, either “something” was holding that causal energy, before it got spilled out, or there was no energy at point zero and it just got created out of “something else”, due to “something”. That something, very obviously now, wasn’t either space, matter or time (because energy created them later).

Therefore, it looks like that that “something” is something which is a dimension we don’t know. And since we, humans, too are made up of derivatives of energy, we too can’t know or see it! (however, it is interesting to note that since we are made up of energy, we have direct link and lineage to that “something”, that mysterious other dimension, the parent of energy and hence the grandparent of the universe).

So, coming again to the mystery, what could be the so called “energy” and where did it “come” from. Why did it not form universe before time zero?

One loose analogy can probably help us understand all this.

Assume a big transparent sheet of glass. Top quality glass panel with optical quality so fine that no-one can see that sheet being there, it is so clear and transparent. It is free from any defect or damage. Perfect to the atomic level.

Now, imagine, due to some reason, there is some stress developed in some corner or point in that glass sheet. Or some minor hit somewhere on it. What would happen? That stress will create imbalance inside glass at that place and a crack may appear. Then what will happen?

That crack may propagate or travel in that glass? Not exactly by some energy pushing it, but because of some chain reaction instability caused by the disturbance, imbalance in the perfect glass sheet. That crack may stop somewhere or may travel very far, even infinitely, if the glass plane was that long and if that imbalance is "unstoppable". That propagation of "energy" may not need “external” push, just continued disturbance in the structure of that perfect glass sheet where crack started, like a long unending domino effect.

If this analogy even roughly captures the hypothesis or idea, then it fairly attempts to explain how infinite “astronomical” amount of “energy” got continuously generated or triggered, resulting in creation of derived universe progressively. 

It also, thus, suggests how that "energy" is in such big abundance despite being “nothing”, just an “inverse or virtual energy”, “crack” or propagation of “stress” through the space it is creating itself.

Energy is nothing and yet everything, for us, we being part of that virtual real phenomenon. The analogy also tries to answer why we can’t “see” energy. (Simply, because it is a virtual concept. It is not there, except in results that are caused by a “crack”.)

The universe and we seem to be nothing but the “bleeding” of “that thing” which got the crack.

So, what is that “that thing”?

Do we smell a multiverse here? Or Another dimension?

How many more would be there?

We are connected but may be barred to know. Or can we?

Before I put down my pen, just a last word. Is this crack repairable or reversible? Is this process reversible? If matter can be converted back to energy, can energy too be reversed and put back into the crack, sealing the crack? Is this all a cosmic mistake or is it by design?