Saturday, October 30, 2010

7anti-habits for highly ineffective stressed people

Anti-Habit 1.

Don't be Proactive (Least be reactive)

= Get out of the race. It's life.


Anti-Habit 2.

Neither from the end, nor from the beginning.......don't start it! Don't "do" it, let it happen!

= Get this clutter jargon out of your head. Life is not an assignment. Live it!


Anti-Habit 3.

Put the first thing and the second thing and all things till the last thing......last!

= Only life comes first!


Anti-Habit 4.

Don't just think win-win, throw the win out of winDOW!

= Life became hell when win became more important than life. There is more life in "losing" than winning! Recognise it!


Anti-Habit 5.

Never mind whether you can understand before being understood. Just love - everyone and everything will be understood!

= Life has got consumed in the understand-understood fight.


Anti-Habit 6.

If Synergy isn't there on its own, it doesn't want to be there.

= Synergy can't be created, it comes...naturally. Live as it comes!


Anti-Habit 7.

Don't sharpen the saw any more, it is bleeding you and everyone!

= Just light a candle in the dark lives!

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